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Smells and Bangs Science Coronavirus Safe working Plan


​​Smells and Bangs Science Coronavirus Safe Working Plan

At Smells and Bangs Science we have ensured we have taken the taken the necessary measures, precautions and adhering and working in line with the Government guidelines and Public Health guidance.  This is set out in our COVID-19 Risk Assessments (Link) which is in place to minimise the spread of coronavirus, maintain strict hygiene and cleanliness regime and aid social distancing.

We also have our science session activities ‘We’re Good to Go’ Industry Certified COVID-Safe 

Smells and Bangs Science want to reassure and give confidence to our clients, schools, parent and carers in the service we provide and we have and are continually managing and adapting our working practices to ensure safe working environment around COVID-19. Our priority is to take necessary precautions to safeguard children and the wider community we work with.



Safe Working Practices 


  1. We have adapted our day-to-day operations to make it safe and give our clients, schools, parent and cares confidence which are in line with public health guidelines

  2. We will be following the latest Government and public health COVID guidance in line with safe working procedures.


  4. We will also ensure we follow individual school’s / venue COVID safety guidelines and polices to ensure safety protocols are adhered to prior to science activities commencing. 

  5. We have taken every effort to make our Science programmes and workshops as COVID secure as we possibly can. Some of our measures include safe working distance, non-transference of equipment between bubbles. Cleaning and sanitisation of equipment.

  6. Social distancing will be in place as well as smaller groups within each activity session.

  7. We will implement and follow rigorous hand hygiene practices at the start and end of each club session.

  8. We will ensure and encourage children are aware of the “catch it, bin it, kill it” campaign.

  9. We will ensure all surface are cleaned with disinfectant antibacterial spray and disposable wipes.

  10. Well ensure all equipments are thoroughly cleaned after each session and where possible minimise the handling and sharing of equipment.

  11. We will limit the number of children / participants for clubs and activities to 15 per session.

  12. We are keeping up to date with changing government guidelines surrounding health and hygiene practices.

  13. We will encourage and implement frequent good hand hygiene during our activities to be followed by all.  

  14. Ensuring there is good ventilation and air flow

  15. Presenter / Instructor wearing face masks / Face shield when in an enclosed space

  16. Should any child be showing signs of coronavirus prior to attending a scheduled session we will communicate and ask parent and carers to keep their child at home and follow government guidelines and contact NHS for advice.

  17. Should a child be showing any signs of coronavirus during a planned session, we will immediately isolate that child and contact the parent or carer to collect them and for them to follow government guidelines and contact NHS for advice.

  18. Lateral flow test carried out regularly twice weekly by Presenter / Instructor




Together Making Science Fun, Inclusive, Inspiring, and an Unforgettable and Memorable Experience   

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